Sample: Nothing


This play from left field is about the importance of doing nothing and having time out. We all do it. We all need to do it, but who is going to change the world and what is life all about? Why should we care? Why is it so noisy? And will the lawn ever get mowed?

The people in this play know each other extremely well. The three friends, very relaxed in each other’s company, soon find what inhibitions they may have had washed away by a healthy sluicing of booze!

The action, such as it is, takes place in a garage on a languid day in summer. The meaning of life and death is broken down, built back up again, broken down again after lunch and then, due to a lack of time, left in a heap in the corner by the lawnmower.

Winning play of the Noosa One Act Playwriting Competition in 2011

Winner of The Dolphin Theatre (Auckland New Zealand) Best One Act Play of 2012

To purchase Nothing (well, not nothing, the actual script!), click here.

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