Sample: Creepytown


“Something’s going down – down in CREEPYTOWN!”

When shy, vegetarian (and vampire…) Princess Lucy meets an adventurous, outgoing human, she sees a chance to realise her dreams of escaping her crazy vampire world and her ‘monstrous’ controlling parents. Meeting at the dental clinic recently opened by her new friend’s square and well-meaning parents, the two make plans to escape Creepytown forever!

But when Lucy’s evil stepfather and his gang of henchmen discover their plan, the pair must act quickly to thwart the uncompromising villains – and ensure their escape. Will they find their route to freedom and adventure? Or will events ultimately unravel their plans and see them thrown into a spiral of chaos that will change their lives forever?

With an exciting 11-track original musical soundtrack, and expandable chorus’ of vampires, werewolves, zombies and witches, Creepytown is a fun and action packed show which is sure to bring the house down! Not to mention sending your make-up department into a frenzy of creepy creativity…

To purchase Creepytown, click here