Neighbours Away

AU$30.00AU$190.00 ex GST

Neighbours Away! is an over-the-top send up of Australian TV soapies, with a multitude of melodramatic storylines, all condensed into one crazy season finale!

There’s family feuds, a fatal illness, a kidnapping, a hospital emergency and a secret wedding, and characters that everyone will recognize: the rich bitch, the schemer, the problem solver, the town gossip, the playboy, the rebellious teenager, etc., etc. In fact, it’s enough to make The Bold and the Beautiful look tame!

With twenty speaking parts and four to six non-speaking roles, Neighbours Away! has a part to suit everyone, making it a fantastic script for high school classes and theatre groups seeking a one-act comedy with a large cast.

  • Deluxe Package: includes Script and Copying Fee

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    Australia/New Zealand Production Fees: Coin Donation/No Tickets: $40 per performance

    Other Countries Production Fees: $40 per performance

    Flat Fee License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of $40 per performance for the above production.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    4. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays" is also displayed.

    Flat Fee License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of $40 per performance for the above production.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    4. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays" is also displayed.