Cabbage Patch Dragon

AU$30.00AU$370.00 ex GST

Set in the Renaissance Italy, the story tells of a browbeaten young Duke on the verge of losing his beloved duchy. But his last moment desperate wish for help is seemingly answered when he discovers an enormous magical dragon in the royal cabbage patch and chooses to save it from his over-zealous subjects.

But when his mother arranges a marriage with the daughter of the bullying Count who cheated and bankrupted his father, the Duke must learn to stand up for himself and learn that neither magic nor might makes you right – but courage and good friends are the special ingredients required to outsmart the enemy and save a kingdom.

From the writer of Conundrum and Heroes, comes Cabbage Patch Dragon; an upbeat K-8 musical about a dragon – in a cabbage patch! Now any show with dragons and cabbages in it is bound to be a roaring success. Even more so if it has songs about Dragons and Cabbages…


The Musicals Samples contain a half script, piano vocal score sample (first few songs) and two songs from the performance soundtrack. Free Sample materials are not suitable for copying and cannot be used in any way for performance.



Purchase the Script, then the Performance Package:

The Performance Package contains: Copying Fee, Piano Vocal Score, Performance Backing Tracks and Sound FX

To purchase separate elements, please email your enquiry to

  • *Select a Package

    The Performance Package contains: Copying Fee, Piano Vocal Score, Performance Backing Tracks and Sound FX.


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    Production Fees:

    Coin Donation/Free Entry: AUD$80 per performance; Ticket Sales: 12% of gross ticket sales, with an AUD$80 minimum fee, payable at checkout.

    Please choose whether you will be selling tickets or entry is free or by donation.

    Production fees: 12% of Gross Box-Office takings.  An AUD$80 per performance minimum deposit is charged at checkout, and will be deducted from the final performance royalties amount you owe, after your performance/s.

    Production fees: 12% of Gross Box-Office takings.  An AUD$80 per performance minimum deposit is charged at checkout, and will be deducted from the final performance royalties amount you owe, after your performance/s.

    Production fees: AUD $80 per performance.

    Performance royalties are at the rate of 12% of gross ticket sales and gross takings should be declared within 21 days of the last performance to Maverick Musicals and Plays.

    A minimum of $80 per performance will be charged at checkout.  This amount will be deducted from your royalties owed after your performances, if 12% of your gross ticket sales is greater than the minimum price.

    Please tell us more about how you heard about us?

    Performance License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of 12% of Gross Box-Office takings per performance for the above production if tickets are sold, with a minimum of AUD$80 per performance charged.
    2. We agree to declare our gross takings within 21 days of the last performance to Maverick Musicals and Plays, by using the form from or by sending an email to Maverick Musicals
    3. We understand we will be invoiced based on our declaration and that any amount above the non-refundable deposit is payable immediately.
    4. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    5. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays" is also displayed.
    6. We understand that giving false or misleading information is an offence and can lead to prosecution.

    Performance License Agreement

    1. We agree that a copying fee must be purchased from Maverick Musicals and Plays PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF REHEARSALS.
    2. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of 12% of Gross Box-Office takings per performance for the above production if tickets are sold, with a minimum of $80 per performance charged.
    3. We understand that we have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    4. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    5. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays" is also displayed.
    6. We understand that giving false or misleading information is an offence and can lead to prosecution.

    Performance License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of  AUD$80 per performance.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    4. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays" is also displayed.
    5. We understand that giving false or misleading information is an offence and can lead to prosecution.
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