Writing For Maverick

At the present time we are experiencing a high volume of submissions – so this means that it may take a while for your work to get assessed by our panel of readers and at this time, we have many new works to get through the process, but don’t let that deter you!

It is always best to contact us by email (Rachel at editor@maverickmusicals.com) prior to sending anything to find out if and when we are holding our reading and assessment rounds.

Two Act Musicals

Suitable for Primary Schools, intermediate Schools, High Schools, Youth Theatre Groups, Amateur and Professional Theatre Groups. They must contain all original music with six or more songs in each act.

Theatrical works must not contain anything offensive (by this we mean no racism, sexism, violence, anti-minority, extremism, or anything considered unexpectable by general ethical standards).

Submission formats

Here’s how to make your chances more advantageous. Our reading panel can only accept works that have been through public performance first. In other words, your show has been through the rigors of work-shopping and has been presented in its finished form to an audience. Ready for submission? We are 100% digital, paper-free so please make sure all files are compatible with PC computers and make sure you include where appropriate:

  • an editable and current version of the script
  • a character list
  • a synopsis
  • a piano vocal score
  • band parts and/ or conductor’s score
  • any technical or staging advice you deem appropriate
  • the full running time
  • MP3’s of the musical numbers
  • a recording of a performance if possible
  • any reviews garnered
  • the age group you consider it’s written for
  • a little about yourself so we can get to know you!

PS: Please do not mail us any material unless we ask you to.

The world needs more theatre so we look forward to seeing and hearing what is it you’ve created!


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