Sample: Gnomes and Gardens


From the writer of Go Noah, this delightful musical has a fresh appealing storyline.

Abetted by an eccentric, larrikin Gran, who ‘knows a thing or two’, the neighbourhood children join forces with the garden gnomes to defeat Mr Archy Tick, an architect with no environmental values..! In a desperate situation, the Gnome General-in-Chief enlists the aid of his Odd-Job Squad and an old scroll, which gives the gnomes some surprising help.

From the rollicking opening number, ‘The Gnome Stomp’, the audience knows it is in for a special treat! This show features an original story, is visually interesting, has a large cast, very lovable characters and a variety of catchy songs.

It can incorporate different age groups/classes for the parts of the adults, children and gnomes, making rehearsals simple.

To purchase Gnomes and Gardens, click here