Piskeys Down Under

AU$45.00AU$245.00 ex GST

Elves, gnomes, leprechauns; where would theatre restaurant be without the wee folk eh? Of course there’s wee folk and there’s wee folk. And the Cornish Piskey (a belligerent sprite at the best), is one height-challenged creature it’s wise to avoid crossing. But what brings the Piskeys down under? Nothing less than the extinction of the entire Piskey race, that’s what. Jacko and Johnno, the last remaining Piskeys have travelled to the Antipodes in search of an intelligent, sober and chaste human woman to be their queen. But when their attempts at wooing go astray they enlist the help of Ernest P Smuggins, a Rotunda salesman in need of money to win the favour of his boss, the delectable Jacqueline Gazunder. With the local Cornish Fair quickly approaching, the town Brass Band is practising for the Battle of the Brass competition, the local bakery is cooking the world’s largest pastie and the local girls are vying to be crowned Queen of the Fair and all is in place for Theatre restaurant’s stupidest plot, explained and elucidated by the play’s resident plot analyst, Evelyn Charmers.
So do the Piskeys get their queen? Does Smuggins get his boss? Does the Brass Band play even a single note correctly? Does the giant pastie explode? Does the audience survive the onslaught of rapid one-liners, sight gags and onstage antics? All this and more is answered in ‘Piskeys Down Under’!

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    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of AUD$120 per performance.
    2. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    3. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays www.maverickmusicals.com" is also displayed.
    4. We understand that giving false or misleading information is an offence and can lead to prosecution.

    Performance License Agreement

    1. We agree that a copying fee must be purchased from Maverick Musicals and Plays PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF REHEARSALS.
    2. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of $120 per performance.
    3. We understand that we have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    4. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    5. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays www.maverickmusicals.com" is also displayed.
    6. We understand that giving false or misleading information is an offence and can lead to prosecution.