Dare Greatly

AU$30.00AU$70.00 ex GST

Three women in their mid-50s, who have been friends since student days at UQ in the early 1970s, re-unite for celebration and truth-telling.
They are all grappling with the travails of illness and aging and eventually agree to disagree on matters of the heart.

  • Deluxe Package: includes Script and Copying Fee

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    Australia/New Zealand Production Fees: AUD$40 per performance

    Other Countries Production Fees: AUD$40 per performance

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    Flat Fee License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of AUD $40 per performance for the above production.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    4. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays www.maverickmusicals.com" is also displayed.

    Flat Fee License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of AUD $40 per performance for the above production.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    4. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays www.maverickmusicals.com" is also displayed.

    Flat Fee License Agreement

    1. We agree to payment of performance royalties at the rate of AUD $40 per performance for the above production.
    2. We understand I have been/will be charged for the above number of performances
    3. We agree that a copying fee must be purchased from Maverick Musicals and Plays PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF REHEARSALS.
    4. We will ensure that the authors' names are credited on all posters and programs.
    5. We will ensure that the endorsement "Produced with the permission of Maverick Musicals and Plays www.maverickmusicals.com" is also displayed.