Timothy Tuck
Timothy Tuck lives in Maitland, South Australia, with his wife, two cats, and a goldfish pond with an untraceable leak in it.

He teaches R-12 music, drama and IT at the local K-12 school and spends entirely too much time on his iPad and Windows 7 computer writing, scoring (music that is) and designing.

When he’s not busy on a new musical, teaching, or tidying his office, Tim freelances for Maverick Musicals, editing scores and trying to fathom what went wrong with the website code he wrote nearly a decade ago.

He’s also written extensively for Blake Education and Pascal Press, including the popular ‘Ready-To-Go-Music’ series, several computing ‘Go Guides’ (Word, Excel and Internet), the ‘Best-of-the-Web’ guides for primary schools and teacher resource books for SOSE, science, English and Civics.

Oh, and he’s just finished a new series of Interactive Whiteboard programs on handwriting. Ah, the sweet irony of it all!

He won a NEiTA (National Excellence in Teaching Award) in 2003 for leadership in schools and an ‘SA Great’ award for contributions to the Arts. He was the SA State nominee for the AITSL Inspirational Teacher of the Year (but not inspirational enough to win it). He’d really like to be able to play the trombone better than he does.